Welcome Serenity and Calm Into Your Life with the Native American Flute

Are racing thoughts keeping you up at night? Do you have a major life event or transition coming up that you’re worried about? Or maybe you’re just dealing with the day-to-day stresses that can wreak havoc on our mental health.

You’re not alone, I’ve been there too. So I created this recording to help ease some of that tension and help you relax.

Sign up to receive this 10 minute Native American Flute improvisation that I recorded for you. You will also receive written instructions for breathing exercises to accompany it to help you achieve the maximum healing properties of music healing.

*when you sign up we will be sending you weekly emails with additional free content

Hi, I’m Linda! Native American Flute Player and Holistic Living Enthusiast.

Nice to meet you!

Believe it or not, I used to be a skeptic when it came to all this “essential oils” stuff. That was until Young Living® oils actually helped get rid of my insomnia and PTSD. And I’ll be honest - nothing compares to that first night of good sleep after you’ve been lying awake night after night for so long!

After such a positive experience with the oils, it hit me. I can combine my passion for music and years of experience as a Music Therapist to help transform peoples’ lives for the better.

I’ve been a musician my whole life and music therapist for 15 years. I already knew about the phenomenal healing benefits of music so combining them with the right essential oils depending on what my client or patient needs would surely result in an even more powerful transformation. And it did.

Now my life’s mission is to work with you to determine your health and happiness goals and come up with a plan to help you reach new levels of satisfaction during this chapter of your life without the unwelcomed stress and anxiety that no one likes to deal with.

Excited to learn more? I’m excited to meet you! Click below to set up a time to chat. (Our first call is free.)

Ways to Work Together

Gather in a virtual group of like-minded individuals to experience the deep relaxation of the Native American Flute.

Experience the healing and relaxation of the Native American Flute in a private setting.

Start swapping out toxic products for clean ones and start seeing the health benefits right away.

My unique combination of oils and the Native American Flute is a restorative experience you can’t find anywhere else.

Learn how to play the flute for yourself to experience the relaxation benefits anytime you want.

Everyone is different, with different life experiences to bring to the table, different beliefs, and different goals. 
I always recommend booking a call so we can discuss what the best option for you might be.

"Linda has been an inspiration to me as a friend and a colleague for many years.  Most recently, she has been extremely helpful with her knowledge of Young Living essential oils and her willingness to find information if needed.
Linda also plays a wonderful Sunday afternoon Native American Flute relaxation that I can join online.  She is a beautiful person and an amazing musician. I am immensely grateful to have been a part of her life for 40 years."
~ Christine Pope
Client Love

Let’s Connect on the ’Gram

© Linda Kaplan